Pisanello 18- Milan
Urban Serenity

Pisanello 18, located on the corner of Via Pisanello 18/20 and Via Dürer 4, sets a new standard for urban living in Milan. With upgraded exteriors and modernized communal areas, including new attic apartments boasting skyline views, the original apartments remain unchanged internally, allowing buyers the freedom to personalize their living spaces. In alignment with the client’s vision, we embarked on a mission to present innovative design concepts that epitomize this urban lifestyle. Collaborating closely with Funky Monkey™, we seamlessly integrated these visuals into our marketing campaign, showcasing a blend of urban vitality and tranquil living.

Calm Sanctuaries:

Child’s bedroom

VIA Pisanello 20, MILAN

Further Room Variations


VIA Pisanello 18/20, MILAN

Double Bedroom

Via Dürer 4, MILAN

Main Bedroom

VIA Pisanello 18, MILAN

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